12 Pearls of Christmas Guest Post: Tracey Eyster
Does It Even Matter?
By Tracey Eyster
My heart is swollen from the love that has grown there. A deep love that’s swelling has come at a cost.
The cost of daily dying to self as I choose to serve the needs of my children and my husband—to grow a family with the end in mind.
Thankfully I was taught by those older and wiser than me that the building of image bearing children requires intentionality and purpose by two loving, connected parents who are willing to work together for God’s purposes.
Even when we don’t know the outcome or exact purpose God has in mind for our children—our willingness to put in the hours and to be yielded to His direction is our gift to the Father.
This Christmas I have had a new and odd wondering that I have been contemplating, a question that has never before occurred to me.
Who built the manger?
Did he think the task was too menial?
Was he weary and tired from the task?
Did he want to build something more grand?
Did he dream of working in a way that would bring him glory and attention?
Did he wrestle with the assumption that what he was putting his time and effort into was not for a grand purpose?
How could he know the plans God had for that little manger?
The Savior of the world was going to rest there and do great things.
Psst . . . Mom, do you see it?
The Savior of the world has the potential to rest within that which you are building . . . to do great things.
Take care to put your time, talents, and energy into building well.
Tracey Eyster is the happily-in-love wife of Bill and the fun-filled mom of two teens, and she is devoted to her family and is happiest when making memories with them. In 2008 she took her passion for speaking into the lives of moms and created the ministry of MomLife Today. She is passionate about momlife and is amazed at God’s blessing of allowing her first book Be The Mom to come to fruition. She enjoys connecting with moms through her personal blog at www.bethemom.com, and on Facebook or Twitter @MomBlog