Blog Fest Giveaway

Blog Fest is Finally here!
And I have some great prizes!!

The Grand prize winner will receive a box of Christian book, including the following:

Waiting for Daybreak by Kathryn Cushman
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Billy Goat Hill by Mark Stanleigh Morris
Ghostwriter by Travis Thrasher
Six-Liter Club by Harry Kraus
Allon by Shawn Lamb
Home Another Way by Christa Parrish
+1-2 more titles TBD and
a beautiful magnetic bookmark

I will also draw 3 other winners:
One for a pack of 5 middle grade fiction including Fur-ever Yours, Booker Jones by Betsy Duffey, Molly's Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen, Parzival by Katherine Paterson and the ARCs of The Girls' Book of Glamour and The Boys's Book of Survival.

I have a few non-Christian novels, or secular fiction for the final winners:
Beautiful Lies by Lisa Unger
The Night Journal by Elizabeth Crook (this is a Library book)

To enter, just leave a comment.
For an extra entry become a follower and let me know!
Also be sure to tell me which prizes you are interested in, especially if you only want one type or another!

Finally, be sure to check out Coffeelicious Bookaholic for another great giveaway.

Also for a complete list of participating sites, refer to: A Journey of Books.


casey aubut said…
I would love to win the Christian bundle !
Unknown said…
Thanks so much for the generous giveaway I would love to win any of the great prizes
Iris on Books said…
Thank you for the giveaway. I'm interested in the non-Christian novels and the Middle Grade Books. However, I am not sure if this contest is open internationally?
irisonbooks [@] gmail [.] com
Iris on Books said…
I am not sure if I have to comment for this seperately, but I also became a GFC follower
jc said…
I'd love to win the non-Christian novels please. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Carmen said…
The Christian set of giveaways REALLY looks great. Please enter me.
I'm a follower.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I'd love to win the first bundle!! I follow via e mail. thanks!!!
skgaff said…
Great giveaway! Thanks!
debbie said…
I would like the non-christian set.
:) Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm a follower. :D

melissa(at) booksrusonline dot com
Minding Spot said…
Oh I'd love Beautiful Lies or the Middle age books!

New follower!

wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
Elise said…
New GFC follower. I would either like the non-christian bundle first or the christian bundle second.
caliblue7 at gmail dot com
karenk said…
please count me in...thanks :0

kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Simply Stacie said…
I would love the Christian books.

GFC follower

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Audrey said…
Thanks so much for this great giveaway! I'd be interested in either the Christian or Non-Christian books.
I've love to win the Christian books!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy S.
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

P.S. I liked FOR TIME AND ETERNITY as well!
"Iowa Mom" said…
Thank for a great giveaway
strawberrykidssales at gmail dot com
"Iowa Mom" said…
Momma Teri follows you with GFC
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the giveaway. I am open to winning any of the prizes thanks!

giveawaymommy at
Jenn S. said…
I would be interested in any of them. :) Thanks for a great giveaway!
Steve Capell said…
I would love to win the Christian books giveaway. I am a new follower of your site. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.

Colleen Turner said…
I would love to win the non-christian books!
Colleen Turner said…
I am a GFC follower.
Mona said…
I am interested in non-Christian novels, or secular fiction novels.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
katsrus said…
I am a new follower. I would love any prize. Thank you for the giveaway.
Sue b
Hi Megan, I'm an old follower. I'd love to be surprised if I win! ;) Happy Blogfest!


JoyG Lee G @aol. com (remove spaces)
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a new follower.

Kai Agito said…
Hi, I'm here from the blogfest hop! awesome giveaway you have, I'd like to be entered to win the middle grade prize pack. :)

I'm a new follower as well.
Elizabeth said…
What a great stack of books for your giveaway.

Thanks for being one of the blogfest hosts.
Benita said…
I'm a GFC Follower, and I'd just love to win the secular fiction books.

Many thanks.

Unknown said…
I'd love to be entered for the box of christian books thanks!

Catch My Words said…
Thanks for the contest. I'm only interested in the non-Christian novels and the Middle Grade Books.

Unknown said…
I would like the christian bundle
Bonita12 said…
I would love to read any of these Christian books. Thanks for the chance.
bwalker1123 at gmail dot com
Bonita12 said…
new GFC blog follower
bwalker1123 at gmail dot com
I am a new follower! thanks for an awesome giveaway!
any book would be great!
k_sunshine1977 said…
i am a new follower, and they all sound wonderful, so whatever i win would be great!

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
Ashley said…
Thanks for the giveaway!

hewella1 at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
I'd love to win the non-Christian novels :)
Anonymous said…
I'm a new follower. All the prizes sound wonderful.

Jan von Harz said…
Happy Blogfest! I am a new follower. thanks for the giveaway all the pizes sound great.
AmeliaB said…
Oooh! These books all look so good. :) I'd love to win any of them.

AmeliaB said…
I'm a new follower!
Misha said…
Thanks for the contest! Please enter me if this is International.
I am a follower. I am really interested in the book by Lisa Unger.

Kristina said…
Thank you for the opportunity to win! I'm a GFC follower. (Kristina Barnes)

I'd like the MG books, or the non-Christian novels. :)

Cathy W said…
WOW! Great giveaway
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com
Cathy W said…
Follow on GFC
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com
Jenn said…
Thanks for the chance!
misskallie2000 said…
Thanks for taking part in this awesome BlogFest. I would be interested in the box of Christian books. Since I discovered Christian writers I can't get enough books to read. lol

I am old GFC Follower

Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Nat said…
Thanks for this contest!!!

Unknown said…
Thanks for this giveaway! ^^

grace c.
vesipisaroita [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks a ton!
♥Nikkii♥ Im a new follower of your blog
tetewa said…
I'm a follower and would like to be included for the Christian and non Christian books!
Count me in!
Dovile said…
I'd love to enter for th non-Christian books.

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Dovile said…
GFC follower

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Cindy W. said…
I would love to be entered for the Christian books.

Cindy W.

Cindy W. said…
I am a GFC follower.

Cindy W.

countrybear52[at]yahoo[dot]com said…
I would love to win any of the prizes except the middle school books.
Heather said…
New follower here!
Any of the prizes sound great to me!
Ivy said…
thanks for the chance to win some great books
Kirsten said…
Would love to win any of those, but especially the Christian bundle.
Thanks for the opportunity :)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
Kirsten said…
Oh, and I'm a GFC follower (Kirsten Thompson)
Thanks for the opportunity :)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
New follower! :) Any of the prizes would be greatly appreciated.

Connie Black said…
Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway.
epblack at zoominternet dot net
adge said…
Thank you for the giveaway. I am really only interested in the Christian books. Thanks. gasweetheart211/at/netscape/dot/net
Linda Kish said…
Please include me.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Amber said…
Thanks for the giveaway! Great books :D
holdenj said…
Thanks for the generous giveaway! I'd be interested in the Christian books or the other secular titles, thanks!
April X said…
Thanks for the giveaway :D I'm entering for all the schtuff
degood said…
I would love to win the middle grade books
degood said…
I follow your blog as degood with google friend connect.
Miranda Hardy said…
Wonderful and refreshing giveaway!
angie said…
I am a new follower and would love to be entered!
Dana said…
Happy Blogfest!

Great blog and contest too;) It's so nice to find new blogs to follow.
Ree said…
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd be interested in the non-Christian bundle. :)

Barb Webb said…
All of the prizes are fabulous!

Nice to "meet" you on the Blogfest tour! Thanks for the chance to win :)


ruralmoms AT gmail DOT com
First off THANK YOU FOR THE PSALMS bible verse. How did you know i needed that today?
Please enter me in your giveaway
I am a follower of your blog and Jesus.
Just a note
I enter a lot of book contest. I read them and then donate them to th Middletown Public Library they have no funds are are in desperat need of donations. I hope we win :)
Amanda said…
I would love to enter!
Elizabeth said…
thanks for the giveaway!
Elizabeth said…
gfc follower

im interested in any of the non-christian giveaway books
Karen said…
What a great list of Christian books, please include me in the giveaway.
alexa said…
Alexa Nernberg

Hi, thanks for sponsoring a Blogfest giveaway and giving me the opportunity to participate.

I am interested in all of the books.

I follow Inspired by Fiction with Google Friend Connect as alexa.1959

Thank you.
Jixnce said…
Thank you for the giveaway! Is this contest open to Canadian residents?

I became a GFC follower.

sharon54220 said…
WOW!! Nice selection of books

I'm a follower.

Thanks for the chance
Lisa Jo said…
I'd love to win any.

Once Upon A Chapter
Lisa Jo said…
I'm also a follower!



Once Upon A Chapter
The Grand Prize looks wonderful! Several are on my wish-list.
bmcbroom AT gmail DOT com
new follower - extra entry
bmcbroom AT gmail DOT com

If I don't win the Grand Prize, the others are fine too.
jellybelly82158 said…
Great giveaway

jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com
Pam S (pams00) said…
great giveaway interested in them all but would like the middle grade pack most!

GFC follower (pams00)

Pam S
pams00 @
lulilut said…
I'm interested in the Middle Grade novels and the non-Christian books.
Thank you for the giveaway.
d.septer at
SusanB said…
Great giveaway.. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
What a great giveaway and I follow to, I like what I see on your blog....I would very interested in the box of Christian books

maryjaco1 said…
I am intersted in any of the giveaways.
Rebekah said…
I love all the Christian books.

miryfaye at yahoo dot com
Rebekah said…
I'm a follower.

miryfaye at yahoo dot com
Tabathia B said…
Please count me in for the non-Christian books
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Linda Henderson said…
I would love to win any of your books. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson said…
I follow on GFC.

seriousreader at live dot com
Unknown said…
Thanks for the giveaway. I would like the Christian bundle.

mammabear06 at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
I follow on GFC.

mammabear06 at gmail dot com
JHS said…
Christian or secular for me!


jhsmail at comcast dot net
Anonymous said…
Thanks! I am a new follower!

twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com
I would love the Christian bundle or the non-Christian novels.

dorcontest at gmail dot com
I follow on google friend....dor

dorcontest at gmail dot com
Margaret said…
Books sound great! And thanks for a chance in this giveaway!! :)
I'm a follower through GFC!

Unknown said…
GFC follower. Thanks.
I don't mind what I win.
dakotasky55 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I would like to win any of them. Thanks for the giveaway.

I would love to be entered and really any prize pack would be wonderful!=)

Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Great prizes! Just wondering if this is international? If so, please enter me (:

New follower via blogspot.

VickyTinky said…
GFC follower
Any prize
ATeenAtHeart said…
Love to win any of the things!

New follower! +1

Brandy M. said…
Thanks for hosting! I would like to read any of them.
couponmomma2010 at hotmail dot com
Please enter me - all of the prizes sound great.

Scoot said…
Thanks for the chance to win! seescootread[at]gmail[dot]com
Anonymous said…
I am a follower. The Christian prize pack sounds amazing!

Deb K said…
Hoping By from Blogfest!
I would like any of the giveaways!

Great Contest

Enjoy Your Day :-)


Deb K said…
I follow you with GFC

Great Contest

Kristi said…
I am a follower and I would love to win any of the packs. Thanks for the giveaway!

kherbrand at comcast dot net
Yllektra said…
I would love to enter! :)
hendy said…
Thanks for the great giveaway, I would be interested in any of the prizes but of course would love the grand prize
+1 I am a GFC follower
LB said…
I would love to win any of the prizes :)

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com
LB said…
GFC Follower

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com
Qandthebooks said…
Any of the books would be good with me! (:

Aik said…
I'd love to enter!

aikychien at yahoo dot com
Aik said…

aikychien at yahoo dot com
Please throw my name in the hat.

Any of the books would be good with me!


alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
New follower on GFC


alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
New Follower! Great Giveaway
Jennifer said…
I'd love to win the Christian books! Thanks so much for the giveaway!


I'm a new follower!
Elizabeth said…
Great giveaway! I'd really just like the Middle Grade fiction books.
Martha Eskuchen said…
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Any of the books are fine by me but I like the Christian book set best. :)
Martha Eskuchen said…
I am an old GFC follower - MarthaE
Anonymous said…
I would love to win the christian books. Thanks for the chance to win!
carolynnwald [at]hotmail [dot]com
arceli said…
Thank you for having this giveaway!
a (dot) long (at) tcu (dot) edu
ok said…
please enter me
tiffanyniekro at gmail dot com
Tribute Books said…
I'd love to win any of the titles.

Tribute Books said…
I'm a follower.

Cherry said…
I came from the BlogFest 2010 event.

**waves** :)

Cherry Mischievous
Sue A. said…
I'm interested in the prize, Beautiful Lies by Lisa Unger
and the Middle Grade fiction books.

I'm a new follower

alternate email
magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com
Unknown said…
I'm a follower. ^^ fuhrerpikachu @
Lyla said…
I'd be interested in the MG books or the general Christian stuff.

And since I'm interested in your blog, I'm following that, too!

Katie said…
sweet books.
Karen said…
I am a new follower, and I'd love any of them!

kpuleski at gmail dot com
Mare/TommyGirl said…
cool collection! I'd be interested in the middle school books bundle or the regular books.

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

fdigsby said…
please enter me
Anne said…
I'd love to win the pack of middle grade books,
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
Anne said…
I follow on google friend connect
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
Karla said…
Thank you
karlatrx at gmail dot com
Allana890 said…
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Barb said…
Thanks for the giveaway! I have many up & running,come visit. barb g.
brendajean said…
I'm interested in the Christian Fiction, then the Non Christian fiction books please.
I am a follower.
Please enter me.
yo teach 24 at comcast dot net
Kemendraugh said…
I would love the Christian pack, or the MG one!

kemendraugh at gmail dot com
Snazel said…
Those all look interesting! :D So I'd like to be entered? My email is jasmine dot medusa at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the great prizes
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Anonymous said…
I follow via GFC
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the giveaway. No special choices. Any of those books would be fine.

librarypat AT comcast DOT net
Wonderful giveaway

Icedream said…
Thanks for the chance to win some great books.

waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com
ylime1981 said…
Thanks for the contest! I am a new follower.

Emily ebdye1(at)gmail
L Howard said…
Wonderful giveaway id love to win any of them I am a new follower on GFC

Miss Lissy said…
I would love to win any of them!
Jes said…
I'd like the book by John Piper.

jswaks at gmail dot com
Jes said…
Follow you via Google Friend Connect

jswaks at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
Great giveaway Thankyou
Unknown said…
I am following through Google Friend
AHhh hope I made it in time :)
itzacin at aol dot com
I follow you :)
itzacin at aol dot com
Ruthie J. said…
Prize #4 is what I'd live to enter for.

Ruthie Joyce
juliebean said…
I would love to win !!!

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