Full Tilt: Mediaguests Tour
The problem is that the enemy does not want that to happen. Lester has a powerful testimony, and God wants to use it to save more lives. This is a book about battles: spiritual battles, battles with the flesh, even battles with other people. I haven't finished it yet. I mixed up my dates and thought I had a couple more days to read it, so I'm still in the first half of the book.
I have to admit that although I had been intrigued about these books from the first I saw them a few years ago, I like them so much more than I thought I would. They are just so different from what I normally read, and yet they are powerful, inspiring, and entertaining. Creston Mapes is an author with a skill for grabbing the reader and pulling her into the story. I empathize with the characters; they are real and three-dimensional. The story is suspenseful, yet down to earth. It is fast-paced and emotional with a strong Christian theme. Again I would highly recommend this author and this series.
You can pick up the kindle editions of these books on Amazon: Dark Star is $.99, Full Tilt is $2.99, and Nobody is only $2.99 right now as well.
Thanks to Creston Mapes and Mediaguests for providing my review e-copy in exchange for my honest review!