Roxie Applesauce

Title: Roxie Applesauce

Author: Tonya L. Matthews

Series: Treasure Series

Genre: Christian Fiction, Women's Fiction, contemporary

Pg ct: 345

I am trying to catch up on a number of posts right now, and I get frustrated when I do this because when I don't post immediately after finishing the book, I don't share as much detail about the book. I apologize ahead of time because this book deserves all the praise! I loved it so much. I am going to buy the first one and I can't wait until the next one comes out! While this is part of a series, it can absolutely stand alone. 

This book alternates between Marcella Ciscal's story and the Kage family.  Marcella Ciscal had a terrible childhood, ran away at a young age, was abused, homeless and addicted to drugs throughout the years.  When she is attacked in an abandoned home, she ends up in the hospital as a patient of nurse, Heleya Kage. Haleya's family has also faced some recent struggles: her husband lost his business, her marriage is not what it used to be, her teen daughter is rebelling a bit, and her dad is miles away on a mission field. Haleya and Marcella bond and both find hope and answered prayers.  

Roxie Applesauce is exactly the type of book that I love. Truth-filled and honest, it reveals the often ugly path one needs to take to find redemption, but it is also beautifully steeped in hope.  Just like real life: there is evil, struggle, and hardship, but with Jesus there is always hope.  

I definitely need to go back and get the first book: Treasure Atop the Mountain and catch up on Grace's story (Haleya's mother-in-law). 


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