The Trouble with You
Title: The Trouble With You
Author: Ellen Feldman
Genre: Historical Fiction, Women's fiction
Run time: 11 hrs, 10 min
Fanny Fabricant's husband returns from the war, unlike her cousin Mimi's. Life is what it should be, but only a short time passes before tragedy strikes. Fanny's life is changed forever. Fanny and her daughter, Chloe begin to come to terms with their loss in the midst of a disease outbreak and the Red Scare. Fanny takes a job in the radio business and becomes interested in writing. Fanny struggles to make the best decisions for her and her daughter while listening to both her very tradition cousin and her very non-traditional Aunt Rose. Between Rose, Fanny, and Chloe, this is a family of strong women who (each in their own way) fight for what they believe.
I listened to this while driving to and from work, and it kept me entertained. I loved the side characters and learning about more about "the blacklist" that ruined people's lives during this time period. I love reading about people who stand up for what they believe in and fight for their friends and loved ones. This book provided that. I would say 3.5-4 stars, worth reading.