Elusive Truth of Lily Temple.
Title: The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple
Author: Joanna Davidson Politano
Genre: Christian Fiction, historical fiction
Pg Ct: 400 pages
Revell Reads
"Why must adults trivialize fiction so?The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple fits this description perfectly. Who is Lily Temple, and what is her real story. At least two people are searching for this truth. One is Peter Driscoll. Peter and Lily partner to solve some mysteries as Peter slowly draws truth out of Lily and maybe provides her with some truth as well. Lily thinks she wants to be reunited with an old father-figure gardener from her past; however, it is the Father whom she really needs. As their search for truth and justice puts them in danger time and again, both Peter and Lilly discover truths that will change the course of their lives and the lives of those around them.
I loved this book. I loved the writing. I've highlighted a couple of great quotes from the book. I loved the characters and the adventure they took. I loved the heart and the theme of the story, and I feel like I'm going to have to go out a get a few more of Politano's books now!
"Yet it was strange, the more stories I told, the more life made sense. The more fiction wove through my hear, the clearer the truth became. Because there was a great deal of truth in fiction -- the sort too important to be just spoken outright."