Revell Blog Tour: This Fine Life Book Review
This was a very authentic look at everyday difficulties of life, as well as a couple very real and very traumatic incidents. Set in the 1960's, the historical aspects added interesting looks into life at that time. The theme of just wanting to fit in, to feel included, is very personal to many women, and it was handled well. Mariette was a very believable character, and one many can understand; however, the resolution felt a little fast, and there were times when Thayne's character and motivations could have been better developed. Overall, the plot was believable and enjoyable. The theme was original and authentic. There was one typo, but the writing was beautiful, smooth, and genuine. I liked This Fine Life; it was subtle and unique--unlike anything I've read in a while. AND, I have four more of Everson's on my shelf to read: The Potluck Club Trilogy and Things Left Unspoken.
Available May 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group
Thanks to Revell for providing this book for review!
Eva Marie Everson is a successful speaker, a popular radio personality, and the award-winning author of Things Left Unspoken. She is coauthor of The Potluck Club series and The Potluck Catering Club series. She lives in Florida.
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