BLOGFEST and BLOGMANIA Here This September

I just joined the Blogmania event scheduled for September 15-16, 2010. This is a twice yearly event hosted by Between the Pages. There will be hundreds of giveaways and many new blogs to discover. Each site is to have at least $100 worth of giveaways....WOW!! How exciting!
And I've decided to participate in Blogfest too, which is September 10-12. It's going to be crazy, but so fun...I know, chalk it up to being a new blogger and overzealous! I'm looking for sponsors and donations for these exiting, high traffic events, if interested leave a comment with email and I'll be in touch!
I am starting to get my giveaways together, and I need a theme. It will obviously be book related, but I haven't decided on specifics. I am thinking about doing a few different sets: historical, thriller/suspense, contemporary. I'm also planning on adding in other fun prizes, like bookmarks, a tote, etc...
Here are some ideas:
Read and Relax: including bubbles, candles, tea, chocolate, and books!
Travel thru Time: with various novels set at different time periods, a vintage-style bookmark, a retro tote.
Soul-feeding Suspense: mystery and suspense books, a night light (for when you can't sleep with those scary ones!!), fun snacks
Coffee House Chick-lit: chick lit books, coffee/cappuccino, chocolate
Wall to Wall Books: books, bookmarks, booktote, bookends, maybe a bookshelf, a wall hanging or painting
Scrap-n-read: homemade bookmarks and bookplates, books, extra stickers and embellishments
Far Away Fiction: books set in different countries, fantasy, bookmarks & bookplates with various cities, various national coffees, etc
Family Fun: Book for Dad, mom, brother, sister; journal or scrapbook, boardgame or cards, snack pack or chocolate
Growing Up Books: baby book, toddler book, picture book, beginner reader, chapter book, YA book, and adult book
Princess Hearts: girly gifts--pinks and purples, jewelry, bubbles or lotion, romance novels
Variety is the Spice of Life: Christian books from various genres, (non-fiction, mystery, romance, historical, contemporary, devotional, etc), teas and spices
Please let me know which ideas you like...
And mark your calenders for these great giveaway events!!!
Blogfest = September 10-12
Blogmania = September 15-16