Ghostwriter by Travis Thrasher

I finished this one before I started this blog, but I wanted to go back and review it so that I would have all of my 2010 reading list reviewed here. I like Travis Thrasher. I got one of his books from the library a while back (Admission) and after finishing it, pulled all the titles we had at the bookstore into my hold pile. This is the second book I've read by him. It was entertaining, but not my favorite. I like suspense and mystery, but horror is really not my thing. Thrasher spins a good tale; he is definitely a skillful writer. Ghostwriter was scary, but a little too dark and gory for my personal taste.
Bestselling author Dennis Shore loses his wife and finds he cannot write anymore. He winds up selling a stolen manuscript, later that choice haunts him, literally. Cillian Reed, the author of the manuscript confronts Dennis and begins to stalk him. Throughout Dennis is searching for hope. I did not find a strong message of Christ, but rather images of heaven and his dead wife giving him that hope.
I have not given up on Thrasher as even in this novel, he proved he is a talented writer. I think I will stay away from any classified as horror for now. I'm not completely convinced that there is such a thing as "Christian horror," if you can suggest a book that would change my mind...Please do. I'll try it out and let you know what I think here!


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