CHANGE Ahead...
How many times have you been asked to change, or told yourself that you need to change...
- Change your clothes
- Change of plans
- Change your eating habits
- Change the oil or the laundry detergent or the batteries
- Change your attitude
- Change your priorites....
I am finding comfort that when God shows you changes that need to be made, He is not asking you to do it alone. In fact, He is not asking you to make the change yourself, but to allow the Holy Spirit to work the change in and through you. What we have to do is surrender to His will and then keep on surrendering until one day we realize that we are different inside. He has changed us! Then He will show us the next thing :) The surrendering doesn't end, but maybe, just maybe your attitude during the process will change. James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds,...
You've probably figured out that the Lord and I are in that process right now! It is a little scary, but very exciting. He has convicted me that I often use my time unwisely. AND my fiction books have become a little too important to me. When I am overwhelmed, bored, tired, etc...I turn to a book instead of Jesus. In that way, these books have become idols, and I do not want anything to come between me and the Lord. I haven't read any fiction for the last two weeks, and I am going to be very careful with what I read and the time I spend reading. I am not going to stop reading and reviewing fiction. I do not feel like that is what He is asking. I do feel that Christian fiction and even reviewing those books for others can be a ministry. Some of these books have truly led me to dig deeper into the Word, to walk closer with the Lord; they have convicted me of sinful attitudes and inspired me to get more involved in helping others. With the right book in the right hands, God can move mountains, save and bless lives, salvage relationships, work miracles!! Bloggers can and do help people to find that right book for them or for others. I feel privileged to be a part of that; however, my heart and my time--my life needs to be right with God first and foremost. He is my All in All, my hiding place, my strong tower. He is the I Am; He is faithful. He is to be my everything, my first and my last. I want Him more than my books. Jeremiah 29:12-13 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heat. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity."