New Year, New Habits, New Books

I have many goals, not only for 2024, but also beyond. Some of these goals may more aptly be identified as dreams. Ones that began in childhood and are still clinging to my subconscious. When I read a book that inspires action, change, or growth in me, I remember I wanted to do that for others too. When I see the white walls and blue doors of Santorini, I think dream vacation in sand and sun.

 2024 is my year to pursue goals and chase dreams.  I do not have a grand trip planned, but I do have a commitment to read and write daily.

Long Term Goal #1: To read 50 books in 2024: See this post for some of the books I plan to read
    Short Term: Listen to Bible every day on the way to work. 
    Short term: Listen to book every day on way home from work.
    Short term: Read 10 hours a week (1 hour per day Mon thru Thurs, 2 hours per day Fri thru Sun).

Long Term Goal #2: To post at least 100 blog posts in 2024 And/Or complete private online journal/writing for myself and report what was accomplished at the end of the year.
    Short Term Goal: to spend time writing 6/7 days a week. 

What dreams are you chasing?


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