Word of the Week: persnickety

 First of all, how many of you knew how to spell persnickety? I didn't, I thought it was "ity." I chose this word because I think it's fun. I like the connotation and the way it sounds. 

Defined as: fussy about small details

                    having the characteristics of a snob

                    requiring great precision

Scripture verses: I don't really think any version of the Bible includes the word "persnickety" but if you have come across it (maybe in the Message or something like that) please let me know


I take a ridiculous pleasure in what I eat and drink. It comes partly from being a bachelor, but mostly from a habit of taking a lot of trouble over details. It's very persnickety and old-maidish really, but then when I'm working I generally have to eat my meals along and it makes them more interesting when one takes trouble.   -- Ian Fleming

I wish I was one of those persnickety types who buys guideboks and studies them, but I don't have the inclination or the time. I'm more of a 'get on the plane, arrive at the destination and see what happens' kind of traveler. -- Candace Bushnell


Fun synonyms: fussbudgety, finicky, old-maidish and niminy-piminy

How I wish I lived in a world that uses words like persnickety and niminy-piminy, Don't you? Have you ever used either one or heard either used. Both are fabulous and fun vocab to have up your sleeve!  



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